Byte by Proton2024-08-26T17:23:22+00:00

Byte by Proton

Byte size news for the busy dealership, this is the Byte blog by Proton.

The Hidden Cost of Poor Password Management

May 22nd, 2024|Tags: , |

When you think of securing a digital account, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? A password! From Amazon to Facebook, passwords are the tried and true line of defense for your accounts. What you may not know is poor password management can represent a large risk and overlooked costs for your business.

What are Security Conscious Employees Worth?

May 17th, 2024|

There are huge benefits to having security-conscious employees throughout every department of your dealership. 88 percent of breaches are caused by employee mistakes which drives home the importance of proper training and awareness. Here are four major benefits to having employees who are not only fantastic in their roles, but security conscious, too.

The Basics of Hygiene – Cyber, Not Personal

April 24th, 2024|Tags: |

Hygiene is important, that’s not news. Brushing your teeth, washing your face… creating common cyber policies? While the last part might not be the hygiene advice you’re used to, staying mindful and on top of your cyber practices is just as important as flossing. What exactly is cyber hygiene?

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Together in your 20-minute free consultation, we’ll:

  • Discuss your current IT posture and goals
  • Review tactics you could implement today to improve your overall results
  • Discuss how Proton Dealership IT may be able to help or point you to valuable tools and resources

In order to effectively review your dealership and IT challenges prior to the call, please tell us a bit about you first.

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