Dealership Cybersecurity: Why a Proactive Approach Matters

Published On: August 22nd, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |1.8 min read|

Many people believe that simply having a firewall is enough protection for their network. That just isn’t the case anymore. A proactive approach involves many different tools, acting in concert, having well-trained employees defend the network, and continuously monitoring your systems. So, how does a proactive cybersecurity approach work?

Today, email is the number one cyberattack method. Because email is so widely used, it has become the easiest entry point to your system. If a malicious email makes it to your inbox, the first line of defense stopping the ransomware from reaching your network is the person sitting on the other side of the monitor.

That’s right, it starts with you, your team, every employee in your dealership. A well-trained, security-aware employee can prevent an attack from ever beginning! Educating your team should include information security best practices, how to spot a malicious email, and what to do if one shows up in their inbox.

In addition to security-aware employees, using various technical solutions will only further protect your store, such as advanced email filtering, which could filter out potential phishing emails from even getting through, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), and a good firewall. EDR, which is the next generation of anti-virus software, will help stop or mitigate the spread of malware through your network. And a good firewall may prevent malware from entering the network as well.

A proactive cybersecurity program will combine these human and technical factors with AI-driven learning and 24/7 monitoring to not only identify, but also learn the behaviors of potential threats as attackers use new and changing techniques. This will help your cyber program stay one-step ahead of the attackers so threats can be handled before they inflict damage to your network or infrastructure.

The Impact of Cybersecurity on You

Protecting your dealership from cybercrime is not as hard as it sounds. With help from the right partner that is able to provide 24/7 monitoring, advanced security measures, and knows automotive, you can build an effective program together. Being proactive about cybersecurity is much cheaper and less painful than suffering the consequences of a breach. You don’t have to wait for this to happen to you.


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Together in your 20-minute free consultation, we’ll:

  • Discuss your current IT posture and goals
  • Review tactics you could implement today to improve your overall results
  • Discuss how Proton Dealership IT may be able to help or point you to valuable tools and resources

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